
A generated art series by Emily Edelman, Dima Ofman, & Andrew Badr


Asemica is a generative algorithm that creates typographic compositions. As traditional asemic writing is to handwriting, Asemica is to typography: it creates asemic writing by the hand of a machine.

The algorithm starts with a pool of predefined elements. These elements are abstract shapes derived from English-language letters and symbols. The algorithm uses them to build characters, based on carefully tuned aesthetic rules. In some compositions, a single character is featured. In others, characters string together to form words and sentences, which the algorithm shapes into typographic layouts.

The type designer Gerard Unger said “it is almost impossible to look and read at the same time”. Asemica invites you to look without the burden of legibility.




A limited edition series of 980 outputs from Asemica was released for sale on the ArtBlocks platform on Nov. 15th, 2021.

We are now offering official prints for Asemica owners. Visit our print page for more info and to place an order!